Tuesday 28 October 2014


If I will never see you face again
and I'll never hear your voice,
is this the right moment to say
all those things I never dared.

You know that I'm a coward
because you were the height I was afraid of.
I stood on your edges
and prayed you wouldn't move.

Is now the time
to scream that I love you.
Listen hopeful for an echo 
before I hit the ground?

Monday 27 October 2014

Main St.

Pins and Needles

I have this feeling in my fingers.
A burning at the base;
like whatever I touch
will turn into flames,
and ashes, and dust.

It is not creative, I cannot make the flames,
it is destruction, and I realise
that pain is but a synonym
of something entirely other.

Sometimes I yearn to make a deal;
to trade these hands for hooks,
like the fairy tales of childhood.
So I could touch more;
and feel less.

But the doctor simply tells me:
‘It is but pins and needles.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.’

Monday 13 October 2014


He mostly stood in darkness,
encased within his silence.
Reluctant to reveal
the mystery of the shadows
by flicking on a switch.
In darkness, he would turn
his deepest thoughts to poetry,
and hope one day that people
would somehow find them beautiful.

And he was painfully,
acutely aware that nobody cared, 
about Instagram updates
or that he got scared, sometimes.

His voice never shook
but it tumbled; it crashed, and it wept
all of its own accord.
It had a heart of its own
that he would have asked to be confident,
if only he could have.
Those thoughts, when not written down,
would wander like gypsies
and he wished they would find a home,
so he could have a place to call his own.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

I Want You (Vows #01)

I want to fall asleep in your arms
and wake up next to you;
I want your kiss upon my forehead
when I’m feeling blue.


I’m adding 1 and 1 and coming up with 4
because I left you 7 missed calls or maybe more.
You were my wish at 11.11
And I still think about you 24/7.

Friday 3 October 2014


slowly catapulting downwards –
            but soon caught.

A breeze, a movement, a moment
A swift spiral of invisible

Gently caressing nature,
comforting movements of faith and misfortune.

Catapulting downwards;
but slowly.

A momentous journey; infinite turns
towards a finite ending.

Freedom; to be captured.
            Happiness to come to a close,
twisting, spiralling, spinning


            but gently.